Many students who are blind or who have vision impairments can be appropriately educated in their local schools yet need the additional specialized services of certified Teachers of the Visually Impaired and/or Orientation and Mobility Instructors. To meet these needs, St. Joseph’s, as a NJBOE approved Clinic/Agency, is able to provide vision related educational services, on an itinerant basis, as determined through the student’s Individualized Education Plan.
These services may include:
- Functional Vision Assessments
- Developmental Vision Instruction
- Braille Instructions and Orientation
- Mobility Assessment and Services
- Speech Therapy
St. Joseph’s School In-District Support Services help students integrate with their peer group and give them the opportunity to thrive in their home school district.
For more information, contact:
Maria Malapoe-Streko, MSW, LSW
201-876-5432 ext. 1239