Gerald Kitzhoffer

Gerald Kitzhoffer

Gerald Kitzhoffer

Gerald Kitzhoffer
Chairperson & Trustee

Gerald Kitzhoffer is an experienced educator with expertise in the field of blindness, visual impairment and multiple disabilities, Jerry is the former Executive Director and CEO of Overbrook School for the Blind in Philadelphia. Previously he served as Chief School Administrator at St. Joseph’s School for the Blind.   Most recently, he is honored to have been appointed Chairperson of St. Joseph’s Board of Trustees. Jerry is currently a Board member of the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania having recently completed service on a committee to recruit the school’s Chief Financial Officer. 

Jerry’s background also includes leadership positions with a national accrediting body for organizations serving persons with visual impairments. A resident of Point Pleasant, New Jersey, he has also held graduate-level faculty appointments in Special Education in Pennsylvania, Colorado, and New Jersey. 

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